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Member FAQs

Aug 14, 2023

Welcome to the Member FAQs!  These are the answers to the most common questions members have about using our tools: 


How do I find the latest issue?  

  1. Login here:  (you may want to bookmark this page)  Use the login details you gave us when you signed up.  Or you can hit forgot password to reset 
  2. It should take you to My Library or choose Library from the upper right-hand corner. 
  3. Choose  "Digital Magazine Membership" or  “ WellnessRE PRO Digital Marketing Tool Kit”  in your Library and select VIEW PRODUCT
  4. The Monthly Issues are located in the “Step 3: Monthly Magazine Playbook: INSTRUCTIONS TO SHARE ” The current and past month’s issues will be displayed with 2 min videos inside each step. (We always have the latest issue uploaded by the 1st of each month.)
  5. Here’s a quick video with instructions for how to navigate t he Digital Magazine Only Membership: and the WellnessRE PRO Digital Marketing toolkit: 


How do I set up my custom-branded mobile issue?

  1. Login here:  (you may want to bookmark this page)  Use the login details you gave us when you signed up.  Or you can hit forgot password to reset 
  2. It should take you to My Library or choose Library from the upper right-hand corner. 
  3. Choose either "Digital Magazine Membership" or "WellnessRE PRO Digital Marketing Toolkit"  in your Library and select VIEW PRODUCT
  4. If you are a Digital Magazine Member only you'll see instructions on the main page when you enter the member portal.  If you are a WellnessRE PRO Member you'll find instructions under the "Step 1: WELCOME MODULE- How to Navigate the Portal & Setting Up Your Issue"


What is the best way to share the magazine with my followers? 

The best way to share the magazine is to have an in-person conversation with someone about it.  Whether you are meeting someone face to face or on the phone,, conversations you can have in person are so much more robust than you can have on email or txt.  Sharing what you are doing differently in your business, how you have expanded your network to include healthy home professionals and what you are passionate about are three easy topics to discuss with past clients, friends, acquaintances and prospects.  Simply offer the magazine as a free gift to help them live healthier and let them know that by following your social media and joining your email list they will be able to get the magazine free.  

The next best way is to set up a nurturing email campaign where once or twice a month, you are emailing your list and providing value by sharing the magazine with them.  Combine this with your local market data and include calls to action so they are encouraged to reach out to you.   Each month we have pre-written copy for you located inside the Monthly Magazine Playbook.


What are the best ways to leverage wellness real estate to help grow my business? 

  1. Expand your network to include healthy home professionals. 
  2. Promote your new network partners to educate and bring awareness to changes and growth happening in the industry.  This immediately elevates you to a forward-thinking agent who has unique service offerings. 
  3. Let others know that you are a CONNECTOR.  This is not about you becoming a healthy home expert.  It's about you having a passion for healthy living so you have expanded your network to provide more value to your clients.  You are still the real estate expert and your partners are the healthy home experts. 
  4. When someone asks you "what do you do for a living?", DO NOT SIMPLY SAY "Real estate agent."  Use this opportunity to have a one liner where you introduce your unique selling proposition.  For more info on this check out this blog post on One-liners.
  5. Mail one of our magazines to your 50 favorite clients and use this tool as a reason to reach out and let them know what you are doing differently in your business.  This trial run offer lets you test our products with no commitments or contracts. Use the COUPON CODE: HALFOFFSETUPFEE for $149 off the setup fee. 




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